Loop folder with multiple Excel files and processes
Loop folder with multiple Excel files and processes
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Use this page to find example workflows for Genta Automation.
This example will loop through a folder called “Test Data”. This folder is in My Documents\Digital Workforce\Genta Digital Worker\Assets\. This folder is automatically checked for paths you reference in Genta. Genta will then loop through each Excel file found in this folder, loop through the rows in each file, and enter the data into the RPA Challenge website. This website has controls that move every time the page is refreshed. Rest assured that Genta can handle this easily!
//This folder is in My Documents\Digital Workforce\Genta Digital Worker\Assets\.
//This path is used to locate files and folders. You can also specify a full path below.
$excelFile = ""
$folder = "Test Data"
$rpasite = "http://www.rpachallenge.com/"
navigate to $rpasite
foreach ($excelFile in $folder)
foreach ($row in $excelFile)
//Variables in foreach loops are auto-generated.
//Use inspector to get variable names.
//They will be the column headers without spaces and special characters.
switch to $rpasite
Enter $_FirstName as "First Name" -forcedetection
Enter $_LastName as "Last Name"
Enter $_PhoneNumber as "Phone Number"
Enter $_CompanyName as "Company Name"
Enter $_RoleInCompany as "Role in Company"
Enter $_Email as "Email"
Enter $_Address as "Address"
Click "Submit" button
//You are now finished inputing values. Swith to Excel or the file to update a value.
switch to $excelFile
Set value "Is Completed" as "Yes"
//This will send the result back to the user to open once workflow automation is complete.
//You could also use the "Copy" or "Move" commands to copy files to another location.
//The files are stored on Genta Worker.
Add Result $excelFile
//This command below will send the results stored to Genta Desktop.
//Once completed, look for a button labeled 'Open Results'.
Send Results to Genta Desktop
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