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Use this page to find example workflows for Aura Digital Workforce.
In this example,
We have multiple invoices from different vendors. Each invoice is different and have different structures.
We will use Aura to loop through the invoices in a folder, and extract the invoice data into a datatable, then export all the data collected to Excel.
Create Datatable $InvoiceData Add columns "Document Type","Company Name","Invoice Number","PO Number","Total Amount","Tax Amount","Freight Amount","Account Name","Company Address","Invoice Date","Order Date","Delivery Date","Account Number","GST Number","Customer ID" // The folder below is also located in your My Documents\Documents\Digital Workforce\Aura Digital Worker\Assets\ //You could remove the C:\ if you want to use the example data from the Aura installer $folder = "C:\Mixed Invoices" foreach ($pdf in $folder) { // By default Aura will attempt to auto detect. // The -invoice parameter is optional // If -invoice is used, Aura will use Microsoft Form Recognizer to pull additional data from PDFs //Below is without the -invoice and will auto detect file context, but may retrieve less data // Extract from $pdf Extract from $pdf -invoice //Use a Pause command below to view the variable values extracted //We can remove the pause once we got all of the variable we need for completing below Pause //Click the Resume button to continue //You can remove the Pause to try this again without stopping //We want to now add the values extracted to the datatable switch to $InvoiceData //Next we use 'If' command to check if the invoice is from Acme if ($_CompanyName contains "Acme") { //If it is an Acme invoice, we add the relevant details from that invoice //into the datatable Add Row $_Classification_Name,$_CompanyName,$_InvoiceNumber,$_PurchaseOrder,$_Total,$_Tax,$_Shipping,"NA","NA",$_InvoiceDate,$_OrderDate,$_DeliveryDate,"NA","NA",$_CustomerNumber } if ($_CompanyName contains "Brawn Manufacture") { Add Row $_Classification_Name,$_CompanyName,$_InvoiceNumber,"NA",$_Total,$_Tax,"NA","NA","NA",$_InvoiceDate,"NA","NA","NA","NA","NA" } } //Below we add the datatable result after all rows are added Add Result $InvoiceData //Below we send the results to Aura Desktop //Look for "Open Results" button once it is complete Send Results to Desktop
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