This article details how to type encrypted values from the keyboard, and hide personal information or passwords on the screen, using Aria Digital Workplace Automation.
Type @Decrypt("encrypted text here")
Example 1
The example below will show each necessary step to command Aria to automatically encrypt text and type the encrypted text into the specified textbox.
Step 1.
Click “Add Command” within the Aria command window (Fig. 1), then expand “Keyboard” dropdown and select “Type encrypted value” (Fig. 2).
Step 2.
Fill in the box for the text to be encrypted and typed (Fig. 3).
Step 3.
Click “Add” within the Aria “Add Command” window (Fig 4).
Step 4.
Aria will add the following command to the command window (Fig. 5).
Fig. 5 shows the expected result after following steps 1-3.
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