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This example will create a datatable and add columns and rows to it.
Create Datatable $table Add Datatable Columns "Name", "Phone", "Email" Add Datatable Row "John Doe", "646-234-0909" , "jdoe@contoso.com" Add Datatable Row "Jane Doe", "416-234-0909" , "jdoe@contoso.com" Foreach ($row in $table) { //You can access data in a datatable by row index. Show Message Box "User is {$row[0]}" Show Message Box "Their email is {$row[2]}" Show Message Box "Their phone number is " + $row[1] //You can also access data by column name for the current row. //Add Pause below to see the auto-generated variables you can use, then remove the pause. Pause Show Message Box "User has name {$_Name}" } //Stores results to the 'Result Package'. Add Result $table //Send the results from the Result Package to a location. //This will sends the results to the Genta Desktop user. Send Results to Genta Desktop //You could also save all the results that were addeded to a folder on the Genta Worker. //Send Results to "D:\data\".
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