The excerpt 'Header' was not found in the space 'CS' or you may not have the necessary permissions to access it.
Use this page to find example workflows for Aura Digital Workforce.
This example will create a datatable and add columns and rows to it.
Create Datatable $table Add Columns "Name", "Phone", "Email" Add Row "John Doe", "646-234-0909" , "" Add Row "Jane Doe", "416-234-0909" , "" Foreach ($row in $table) { //You can access data in a datatable by row index Show Message Box "User is $row[0]" Show Message Box "Their email is $row[2]" Show Message Box "Their phone number is " + $row[1] //You can also access data by column name for the current row //Add pause below to see auto generated variables you can use, then remove the pause Pause Show Message Box "User has name $_Name" } //Stores results to what we call a 'Result Package' Add Result $table //Send results from Result Package to location //in this case sends results to Aura Desktop user Send Results to Desktop //You could also save all results added to a folder on Aura Worker //Send Results to "D:\data\" Pause
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