Create Datatable $InvoiceData
Add Datatable Columns "Document Type","Company Name","Invoice Number","PO Number","Total Amount","Tax Amount","Freight Amount","Account Name","Company Address","Invoice Date","Order Date","Delivery Date","Account Number","GST Number","Customer ID"
//The folder below is also located in your My Documents\Documents\Digital Workforce\Genta Digital Worker\Assets\
//You could remove the C:\ if you want to use the example data from Genta installer
$folder = "C:\Mixed Invoices"
foreach ($pdf in $folder)
//By default, Genta will attempt to auto-detect
//The -invoice parameter is optional
//If -invoice is used, Genta will use Microsoft Form Recognizer to pull additional data from PDFs
//Below is without the -invoice and will auto-detect file context, but may retrieve less data
Extract from $pdf
Extract from $pdf -invoice
//Use a Pause command below to view the variable values extracted
//You can remove the pause once you have all of the variables you need for completing the below
//Click the Resume button to continue
//You can remove the Pause to try this again without stopping
//You want to now add the values extracted to the datatable
switch to $InvoiceData
//Next, use 'If' command to check if the invoice is from Acme
if ($_CompanyName contains "Acme")
//If it is an Acme invoice, add the relevant details from that invoice
//into the datatable
Add Datatable Row $_Classification_Name,$_CompanyName,$_InvoiceNumber,$_PurchaseOrder,$_Total,$_Tax,$_Shipping,"NA","NA",$_InvoiceDate,$_OrderDate,$_DeliveryDate,"NA","NA",$_CustomerNumber"NA"
if ($_CompanyName contains "Brawn Manufacture")
Add Datatable Row $_Classification_Name,$_CompanyName,$_InvoiceNumber,"NA",$_Total,$_Tax,"NA","NA","NA",$_InvoiceDate,"NA","NA","NA","NA","NA"
//Below, you can add the datatable result after all rows are added
Add Result $InvoiceData
//Below, you can send the results to Genta Desktop
//Look for "Open Results" button once it is complete
Send Results to Genta Desktop