//Copy the files in resources section below and change the path below to where they are stored
$folder = "C:\1040"
//Create a datatable to store the results we are extracting from
Create Datatable $TaxForms
//Add the columns that we will use to store the data
Add Columns "First Name", "Last Name", "SSN", "Total Amount (1a)", "Other Income (1h)", "Source"
Foreach($pdf in $folder)
//This command below is different from 'Extract From', as it only extracts fillable form field data
//and is faster
Extract Fields From $pdf
//We will add a Pause here to let you view the extract field names
//You can view the values in the Variable Panel that is on the right of the Editor
//We can open a PDF to view the corresponding values to choose the correct form field variable Aura auto generated
//The form field names are taken from the internal names of each form field
//You can remove or comment out the Pause command above when ready to run again after inspecting the values
//Now we want to switch to use the datatable created above to store the values
Switch to $TaxForms
//We add rows with the corresponding data
Add Row $_TopmostSubform0Page10f1_020, $_TopmostSubform0Page10f1_030, $_TopmostSubform0Page10YourSocial0f1_040, $_TopmostSubform0Page10f1_280, $_TopmostSubform0Page10f1_350, $pdf
//Click the Open Results button below
Add Result $TaxForms
Send Results to Desktop